Friday 13 December 2013

Thankfulness : Psalm 124

Daily Reflection
Sat 14 Dec., '13
Psalm 107 : 1 - 8

"8.........o that men would praise the lord for his goodness, and for his wonderful works to the children of men.

The greatest secret of living is thanking God, and you can't be a good thanker if you're not a good thinker.
Only someone who can think-well can thank-well.

You might have requested a hundred things from God and @the moment , you've received answers to twenty or fewer, Yes He deserves praise. Remember, It is of the lords mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not.....Great is His faithfulness unto us

The greatest gift you've received is the gift of life , the fact that you're alive gives us assurance that your best is yet to come, so forget about the failures , disappointments , setbacks and inadequacies of this year , start thanking God for all the innumerable blessings you've received since the start of the year .

Until you learn how to sing and dance , even in the rain , you can't receive more from God, cos if you can't thank Him for the little then you can't manage His Plenty.

God wants to commit plenty into your hands but he wants to check your faithfulness in the little and it all begins with thanking him even for the little.

Countless number of plane crashes , tsunamis , tremors, hurricanes , earth quakes , road accidents and the list goes on and on, but here you are today, alive he deserves your praise , forget about the unanswered prayers , forget about those your pressing needs , forget about your enemy ,

Psalm 124 : if it had not been the lord who was on our side, now may Israel say ; if it had not been the lord who was on our side , when men rose up against us: ....................................Blessed be the lord , who hath not given us as a prey to their teeth.

 Let His Praise ring out Now
Worrying , complaining and murmuring lead to nowhere ! Stop the murmuring and start Praising God remember His grace has sustained you this far so be still His Grace will see you through.

Good morning and Happy weekend
Pastor E.O.T William CBT
De-diadem Consulting
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