Tuesday 13 May 2014


Crossroads are a wonderful place to be because you have so many options. You can go forward, return the way you came, or go in a new direction, either to the right or to the left.
Crossroads aren’t always welcome, though, because they force people to make decisions, and that can be an uncomfortable process. Especially in the case of major or potentially life-changing decisions, no one really likes the hard work of thinking and praying the matter through, the soul-searching involved.
I use the crossroads of life to help some people come to terms with mistakes or wrong turns they’ve made, and to give them a chance to get going in the right direction. For others who haven’t been off track, it’s a chance to go in a new direction that will make them even happier and get them farther in the long run. For yet others, it’s a time to confirm that they’re going in the right direction, so they can continue with the vigor that renewed conviction brings. Whatever the case, whenever someone comes to a crossroads, it’s an opportunity, because if they ask Me which way they should go, I’ll show them.
You can’t fail as long as you’re looking to Me and are open to whatever road I have for you. Maybe it will be something you’ve never done before. It might even be something you’re afraid to do. Or it could be the same thing that you’ve done for years. Whichever road I ask you to take I will also equip you for, even if you don’t think you have what it will take right now. As you take a step in the direction I’m leading you, I’ll give you what it takes. If you need more faith, I’ll give you more faith. If you need more courage, I’ll give you more courage. If you need more love, I’ll give you more love. If you need more strength or perseverance, I’ll give you those things. Step by step, as you follow Me, I will continue to do that. Whatever you need for your journey, I’ll give you that.
So instead of being afraid of those crossroad signs, you can look forward to them with anticipation, knowing that I’m by your side to instruct you and guide you and help you. I know your heart, and I know where you will be happiest and most fulfilled. If you don’t know where that is, just ask Me to point you in the right direction and start walking. I am always with you, no matter where you are and what you’re doing. I’m right beside you each step of the way. As you learn to hear My voice in your mind, pointing the way, you’ll really make progress. I love you, and I’ll never fail you.

Monday 13 January 2014

10 wrong Reasons to get married


1. The desire to have non-stop sex and a sleeping mate. Do you want to get married because you need sex badly? Please get this straight, so as not to put your future partner in health hazard.

2. To save, help or because you pity someone. Don't ever agree to marry someone simply because you just pity their condition. This kind of marriage will sap the joy oflife from you.

3.For money / financial purpose; you are not in love with the person but you want to marry the fellow simply because he/she is rich. Think again. Who ever told you that you won't make it in life?

4.The fantasy to wear a wedding gown.

5. In need of someone to do your laundry, house chores and cooking

Getting married because you are tired of having your parents monitor or control you is not enough a good reason to get married; your husband's parents or relatives could do worse.

Loneliness is a thing of the mind. Not only singles but married folks too gets lonely at times. No spouse will be with you all round the clock. A miserable single will be a miserable partner in marriage. Marriage doesn't solve the problem of loneliness. There are countless married folks who are living apart from their spouse due to many reasons e.g Job, career pursuit e.t.c.

You don't have to get married before you live a happy life. Get a life as a single, enjoy life, make God your source of joy. Find a reason to laugh everyday and enjoy every opportunity of laughter life presents to you. Marriage is a vacuum, it will be filled with whatsoever you and your partner bring in to it.

You don't need a man or woman to complete yourself. You are wonderfully and marvelously created. Single-hood is just a phase of your life, enjoy it, pursue a career, set and achieve goals. One day you would wish you are still a single if you rush into marriage simply because you are tired of being a single.


Don't rush into marriage because all your friends are married with kids.

Thursday 2 January 2014

7 keys to Breakthrough in 2014

7 Keys to Breakthrough in 2014

As this week marks the beginning of yet another journey , there are rules that must be applied strictly in order to achieve results this year 2014. Every year has its Do's and Don't's and likewise its keys.
Highlighted below are the God-inspired keys to breakthrough in 2014

1. Re-dedication : we need to rededicate our lives back to God all over again this year , we need a complete overhaul of our spiritual engine.
Psalm 42,
Isaiah 1 : 18
Until you get totally committed to serving God to the fullest and doing His will , He can't get committed to meeting all your needs, Remember its a conditional Promise , "Come close to me and I will draw near you.

2. Walk - Uprightly : only those who will walk uprightly this year 2014 will be blessed beyond curse,
Psalm 15;
Nothing can take the place of walking uprightly, and blameless before God ,

3. Evangelize the Word : Do the work of an evangelist , let everything you do this year speak christ and preach the gospel
Fish for christ , its all about the lost outside.

4. Acquire Knowledge where necessary : many a christian have lost vital opportunities by simply throwing caution in the wind and neglecting the simple things that count , A christian philosopher and Preacher once said ; "Pray as if IT all depends on God and Work as if it all depeneds on You " when you need to do your part by seeking knowledge , do so diligently
Prov 13:20,
Prov 24 : 5
Never underestimate the place of learning. How much you know determines how far you go

5. Grow Your Faith : build your faith by getting close to His word , only with a good understanding of Gods word and promises can you stand firm even in the face of difficulties .....
Psalm 125,

6. Move : don't stay stagnant and expect a kind of mystical force to propel you to where you need to be, until you learn to take steps , you may never move forward , the secret of becoming great is simply starting it, Remember ; You don't have to be Great to get started , but you have to get started to be great . It takes conscious steps to achieving your goals.
Prov 22 : 29
Get committed to something meaningful , be diligent , work hard and work smart.

7. Write out the Vision Now!!!!!!! A man without vision is a man without Directions , and a man without directions will end up arriving at nowhere . Where you'll get to this year will be determined by the vision you draw now , what the year will bring will be as a result of your vision of it now , the wind never blows fair for the sailor who knows not to what port he is bound.
If you don't know where you are going from the start of the journey , you can't hope to arrive at a destination of peace and joy .
It is your vision that will fire your engines to keep moving when test times comes, knowing what you want is the greatest secret of getting what you want ......
Prov 29 : 18

In His Service
Pastor Peter E.O.T CBT
Royal Diadem Consulting
Corporate training , Relationship and marriage counseling , Life coaching , IT and educational consultancy
BBM : 32daa7f5
Whatsapp : 08064822535
Blog : www.de-diademconsults.blogspot.com

77 keys to Breakthrough in 2014

7 Keys to Breakthrough in 2014

As this week marks the beginning of yet another journey , there are rules that must be applied strictly in order to achieve results this year 2014. Every year has its Do's and Don't's and likewise its keys.
Highlighted below are the God-inspired keys to breakthrough in 2014

1. Re-dedication : we need to rededicate our lives back to God all over again this year , we need a complete overhaul of our spiritual engine.
Psalm 42,
Isaiah 1 : 18
Until you get totally committed to serving God to the fullest and doing His will , He can't get committed to meeting all your needs, Remember its a conditional Promise , "Come close to me and I will draw near you.

2. Walk - Uprightly : only those who will walk uprightly this year 2014 will be blessed beyond curse,
Psalm 15;
Nothing can take the place of walking uprightly, and blameless before God ,

3. Evangelize the Word : Do the work of an evangelist , let everything you do this year speak christ and preach the gospel
Fish for christ , its all about the lost outside.

4. Acquire Knowledge where necessary : many a christian have lost vital opportunities by simply throwing caution in the wind and neglecting the simple things that count , A christian philosopher and Preacher once said ; "Pray as if IT all depends on God and Work as if it all depeneds on You " when you need to do your part by seeking knowledge , do so diligently
Prov 13:20,
Prov 24 : 5
Never underestimate the place of learning. How much you know determines how far you go

5. Grow Your Faith : build your faith by getting close to His word , only with a good understanding of Gods word and promises can you stand firm even in the face of difficulties .....
Psalm 125,

6. Move : don't stay stagnant and expect a kind of mystical force to propel you to where you need to be, until you learn to take steps , you may never move forward , the secret of becoming great is simply starting it, Remember ; You don't have to be Great to get started , but you have to get started to be great . It takes conscious steps to achieving your goals.
Prov 22 : 29
Get committed to something meaningful , be diligent , work hard and work smart.

7. Write out the Vision Now!!!!!!! A man without vision is a man without Directions , and a man without directions will end up arriving at nowhere . Where you'll get to this year will be determined by the vision you draw now , what the year will bring will be as a result of your vision of it now , the wind never blows fair for the sailor who knows not to what port he is bound.
If you don't know where you are going from the start of the journey , you can't hope to arrive at a destination of peace and joy .
It is your vision that will fire your engines to keep moving when test times comes, knowing what you want is the greatest secret of getting what you want ......
Prov 29 : 18

In His Service
Pastor Peter E.O.T CBT
Royal Diadem Consulting
Corporate training , Relationship and marriage counseling , Life coaching , IT and educational consultancy
BBM : 32daa7f5
Whatsapp : 08064822535
Blog : www.de-diademconsults.blogspot.com

77 keys to Breakthrough in 2014

7 Keys to Breakthrough in 2014

As this week marks the beginning of yet another journey , there are rules that must be applied strictly in order to achieve results this year 2014. Every year has its Do's and Don't's and likewise its keys.
Highlighted below are the God-inspired keys to breakthrough in 2014

1. Re-dedication : we need to rededicate our lives back to God all over again this year , we need a complete overhaul of our spiritual engine.
Psalm 42,
Isaiah 1 : 18
Until you get totally committed to serving God to the fullest and doing His will , He can't get committed to meeting all your needs, Remember its a conditional Promise , "Come close to me and I will draw near you.

2. Walk - Uprightly : only those who will walk uprightly this year 2014 will be blessed beyond curse,
Psalm 15;
Nothing can take the place of walking uprightly, and blameless before God ,

3. Evangelize the Word : Do the work of an evangelist , let everything you do this year speak christ and preach the gospel
Fish for christ , its all about the lost outside.

4. Acquire Knowledge where necessary : many a christian have lost vital opportunities by simply throwing caution in the wind and neglecting the simple things that count , A christian philosopher and Preacher once said ; "Pray as if IT all depends on God and Work as if it all depeneds on You " when you need to do your part by seeking knowledge , do so diligently
Prov 13:20,
Prov 24 : 5
Never underestimate the place of learning. How much you know determines how far you go

5. Grow Your Faith : build your faith by getting close to His word , only with a good understanding of Gods word and promises can you stand firm even in the face of difficulties .....
Psalm 125,

6. Move : don't stay stagnant and expect a kind of mystical force to propel you to where you need to be, until you learn to take steps , you may never move forward , the secret of becoming great is simply starting it, Remember ; You don't have to be Great to get started , but you have to get started to be great . It takes conscious steps to achieving your goals.
Prov 22 : 29
Get committed to something meaningful , be diligent , work hard and work smart.

7. Write out the Vision Now!!!!!!! A man without vision is a man without Directions , and a man without directions will end up arriving at nowhere . Where you'll get to this year will be determined by the vision you draw now , what the year will bring will be as a result of your vision of it now , the wind never blows fair for the sailor who knows not to what port he is bound.
If you don't know where you are going from the start of the journey , you can't hope to arrive at a destination of peace and joy .
It is your vision that will fire your engines to keep moving when test times comes, knowing what you want is the greatest secret of getting what you want ......
Prov 29 : 18

In His Service
Pastor Peter E.O.T CBT
Royal Diadem Consulting
Corporate training , Relationship and marriage counseling , Life coaching , IT and educational consultancy
BBM : 32daa7f5
Whatsapp : 08064822535
Blog : www.de-diademconsults.blogspot.com