Tuesday 24 December 2013

10 Worst Quotes of 2013

10 Worst 2013 Quotes By Nigerian Public Figures
Posted by admin@aproko247 on December 24, 20130 Comment
Words, like they say, are like eggs and when broken, cannot be made whole again. No doubt, the outgoing year 2013 has been eventful and has also witnessed some trending events.
Some public figures, who should be very careful of what they say in public, have said many rather unfortunate words, which received widespread criticisms. Some were reckless with what they said in the heat of sad and difficult situations.
We have compiled 10 worst quotes uttered in 2013 by some Nigerian public figures. Enjoy.
10. “Come, sit on my laps and I will show you a level of grace you do not understand.”–Pastor Biodun Fatoyinbo of COZA. made the above statement and was revealed by Ese Walter, who alleged that the man of God slept with her hiding under the grace of God. Fatoyinbo later disclosed that he would react to the allegations when God tells him to do so.
9. “God is a democrat, [he] does not support rigging, but if you rig and succeed, that means God approves of it.”
Governor Jonah Jang of Plateau State made this statement during the NGF Chairmanship saga with Governor Rotimi Amaechi, which he clearly lost, but went ahead to parade himself as winner of the election.
8. “I was not a tribalist when I had a long-standing and intimate relationship with Miss Bianca Onoh, an Igbo lady.”–Femi Fani-Kayode during the Lagos deportation of Igbos to Anambra State. He was later forced to retract the statement when Bianca threatened him with a lawsuit.
7. “Any academic (ASUU) staff who fails to resume on or before December 4, 2013 automatically ceases to be a staff of the institution and Vice-Chancellors are also directed to advertise vacancies in their institutions.”–Minister of Education, Nyesom Wike, in the midst of the ASUU strike, which was only called off some days ago.
6. “We have stolen billions of dollars, what did you do? We steal because you never stoned us for it.”–Governor Rotimi Amechi of Rivers State while paying tribute to late Nelson Mandela, who died on December 5, 2013.
5. “Yes, Patience Jonathan is my Jesus Christ”–Evan Bipi, a member of the Rivers State House of Assembly disclosed this during the Rivers House brouhaha, which forced the National Assembly to take over the state Assembly.
4. “We do not pray for accidents but it is inevitable… we do everything to ensure that we do not have accidents, but it is an act of God.”–Stella Oduah, Minister of Aviation, while addressing journalists three days after 16 people died in the Associated Airlines crash, which was conveying the corpse of Olusegun Agagu, a former Aviation Minister and Governor of Osun State.
3. “As the President, I don’t know him (Abu Shekau, wanted Boko Haram leader) and [I] don’t know if he is dead or alive; you journalists will know more than us. You are the ones who talk to Boko Haram.”–President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan said this in a Presidential Media chat in Abuja.
2. “I cannot categorically tell you one now…the one we are going to make use of is going to be made known by my oga at the top.”–Obafaiye Shem, former Lagos State Commandant of the Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps, NSCDC, made this statement when asked to state the website of NSCDC during an interview with Channels TV.
1. “You are a widow, go and die.”–Governor Adams Oshiomhole of Edo State told a widow caught breaking the law in Benin City, the state capital. He later apologised for the statement and offered the poor widow N2 million and made her his Special Assistant on Environment Matters.

Saturday 21 December 2013

whenever the devil reminds me of my past , i always remind him of my future. it doesn't matter how 'bad' your past may seem , your tomorrow is brighter.
whenever the devil reminds me of my past , i always remind him of my future. it doesn't matter how 'bad' your past may seem , your tomorrow is brighter.

Friday 13 December 2013

Thankfulness : Psalm 124

Daily Reflection
Sat 14 Dec., '13
Psalm 107 : 1 - 8

"8.........o that men would praise the lord for his goodness, and for his wonderful works to the children of men.

The greatest secret of living is thanking God, and you can't be a good thanker if you're not a good thinker.
Only someone who can think-well can thank-well.

You might have requested a hundred things from God and @the moment , you've received answers to twenty or fewer, Yes He deserves praise. Remember, It is of the lords mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not.....Great is His faithfulness unto us

The greatest gift you've received is the gift of life , the fact that you're alive gives us assurance that your best is yet to come, so forget about the failures , disappointments , setbacks and inadequacies of this year , start thanking God for all the innumerable blessings you've received since the start of the year .

Until you learn how to sing and dance , even in the rain , you can't receive more from God, cos if you can't thank Him for the little then you can't manage His Plenty.

God wants to commit plenty into your hands but he wants to check your faithfulness in the little and it all begins with thanking him even for the little.

Countless number of plane crashes , tsunamis , tremors, hurricanes , earth quakes , road accidents and the list goes on and on, but here you are today, alive ......so he deserves your praise , forget about the unanswered prayers , forget about those your pressing needs , forget about your enemy ,

Psalm 124 : if it had not been the lord who was on our side, now may Israel say ; if it had not been the lord who was on our side , when men rose up against us: ....................................Blessed be the lord , who hath not given us as a prey to their teeth.

 Let His Praise ring out Now
Worrying , complaining and murmuring lead to nowhere ! Stop the murmuring and start Praising God remember His grace has sustained you this far so be still His Grace will see you through.

Good morning and Happy weekend
Pastor E.O.T William CBT
De-diadem Consulting
Whatsapp : 08064822538
BBM : 32daa7f5
Email : de.diademconsults@gmail.com
Blog : www.de-diademconsults.blogspot.com

Tuesday 26 November 2013

Are you God's wife?

Are you God's wife?

It was a cold day in December. A little boy about 10-year-old was standing before a shoe store on Broadway in New York City. He was barefoot, peering through the window, and shivering with cold.

A lady approached the boy and said, “My little fellow, why are you looking so earnestly in that window?”

“I was asking God to give me a pair of shoes,” was the boy’s reply.

The lady took him by the hand and went into the store, and asked the clerk to get a half dozen pairs of socks for the boy. She then asked if he could give her a basin of water and a towel. He quickly brought them to her. She took the little fellow to the back part of the store and, removing her gloves, knelt down, washed his little feet, and dried them with a towel.

By this time the clerk had returned with the socks. Placing a pair upon the boy’s feet, she then purchased him a pair of shoes, and tying up the remaining pairs of socks, gave them to him. She patted him on the head and said, “No doubt, my little fellow, you feel more comfortable now?”

As she turned to go, the astonished lad caught her by the hand, and looking up in her face, with tears in his eyes, answered the question with these words: “Are you God’s wife?”

Be the Light in someone else's dark world...........make a sad heart joyful , put a smile on someone' s face .............We are God's asset manager and remember His people are his greatest asset......Manage them well

Good morning

Are you God's wife?

Are you God's wife?

It was a cold day in December. A little boy about 10-year-old was standing before a shoe store on Broadway in New York City. He was barefoot, peering through the window, and shivering with cold.

A lady approached the boy and said, “My little fellow, why are you looking so earnestly in that window?”

“I was asking God to give me a pair of shoes,” was the boy’s reply.

The lady took him by the hand and went into the store, and asked the clerk to get a half dozen pairs of socks for the boy. She then asked if he could give her a basin of water and a towel. He quickly brought them to her. She took the little fellow to the back part of the store and, removing her gloves, knelt down, washed his little feet, and dried them with a towel.

By this time the clerk had returned with the socks. Placing a pair upon the boy’s feet, she then purchased him a pair of shoes, and tying up the remaining pairs of socks, gave them to him. She patted him on the head and said, “No doubt, my little fellow, you feel more comfortable now?”

As she turned to go, the astonished lad caught her by the hand, and looking up in her face, with tears in his eyes, answered the question with these words: “Are you God’s wife?”

Be the Light in someone else's dark world...........make a sad heart joyful , put a smile on someone' s face .............We are God's asset manager and remember His people are his greatest asset......Manage them well

Good morning

Are you God's wife?

Are you God's wife?

It was a cold day in December. A little boy about 10-year-old was standing before a shoe store on Broadway in New York City. He was barefoot, peering through the window, and shivering with cold.

A lady approached the boy and said, “My little fellow, why are you looking so earnestly in that window?”

“I was asking God to give me a pair of shoes,” was the boy’s reply.

The lady took him by the hand and went into the store, and asked the clerk to get a half dozen pairs of socks for the boy. She then asked if he could give her a basin of water and a towel. He quickly brought them to her. She took the little fellow to the back part of the store and, removing her gloves, knelt down, washed his little feet, and dried them with a towel.

By this time the clerk had returned with the socks. Placing a pair upon the boy’s feet, she then purchased him a pair of shoes, and tying up the remaining pairs of socks, gave them to him. She patted him on the head and said, “No doubt, my little fellow, you feel more comfortable now?”

As she turned to go, the astonished lad caught her by the hand, and looking up in her face, with tears in his eyes, answered the question with these words: “Are you God’s wife?”

Be the Light in someone else's dark world...........make a sad heart joyful , put a smile on someone' s face .............We are God's asset manager and remember His people are his greatest asset......Manage them well

Good morning

Are you God's wife?

Are you God's wife?

It was a cold day in December. A little boy about 10-year-old was standing before a shoe store on Broadway in New York City. He was barefoot, peering through the window, and shivering with cold.

A lady approached the boy and said, “My little fellow, why are you looking so earnestly in that window?”

“I was asking God to give me a pair of shoes,” was the boy’s reply.

The lady took him by the hand and went into the store, and asked the clerk to get a half dozen pairs of socks for the boy. She then asked if he could give her a basin of water and a towel. He quickly brought them to her. She took the little fellow to the back part of the store and, removing her gloves, knelt down, washed his little feet, and dried them with a towel.

By this time the clerk had returned with the socks. Placing a pair upon the boy’s feet, she then purchased him a pair of shoes, and tying up the remaining pairs of socks, gave them to him. She patted him on the head and said, “No doubt, my little fellow, you feel more comfortable now?”

As she turned to go, the astonished lad caught her by the hand, and looking up in her face, with tears in his eyes, answered the question with these words: “Are you God’s wife?”

Be the Light in someone else's dark world...........make a sad heart joyful , put a smile on someone' s face .............We are God's asset manager and remember His people are his greatest asset......Manage them well

Good morning



Daily Reflections
Pastor E.O.T William CBT
Tuesday 26th November


Ref: Prov 21: 31; Ecc 7 : 14 ; Jer 9 : 23 ; Amos 2: 14

It doesn’t matter how far or how high you’ve risen in life, you can’t sustain your exploits without God.
No God-made mad can self-Exist; we are all built and fashioned to depend solely on God. We need God everyday of our lives; not only in our distress times.
Any equation or arrangement that doesn’t begin and end in God is incomplete and bound to fail. It is God that brings productivity to our labour.
It doesn’t matter how wise, learned or educated, connected, influential or endowed you may be, you can’t survive life’s challenges without God.
Ecc 9: 11 …………I returned and saw under the sun , that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise , nor yet riches to men of understanding , nor yet favour to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all.
When you take away God from Man’s Life what you get is DOOM, the need for God goes far beyond just protection and provision for our needs. Remember it all started from Him at creation, so the sustenance of all men rests solely in Him alone.
Prov 21: 31 …… the horse is Prepared against the day of battle: but VICTORY is of the Lord.
King Saul crash landed his journey not because he never knew God; He did start with and in God but God’s place in His life became vacant, therefore His Fall was inevitable.
Ecc 7:14 ……..in the day of prosperity be joyful, but in the day of adversity consider; God also hath set the one over against the other , to the end that man should find NOTHING after him.
God has so built us excellently that even the wisest, strongest and richest of men always have a void in their lives that only God can fill. This simply means no man can out-grow the need for God.
How and where you started in life is not really as important as where and how you end it. Only God can guarantee a safe landing.
Only God can turn a man’s LABOUR to FAVOUR


Our Dear sovereign Lord, having examined your word we’ve found ourselves lacking in our duty to you, the chiefest of which is to Trust completely in You, we have been trying to run solo or walk alone , we acknowledge now that without You we are just an empty piece of matter, we therefore ask for the Grace to completely trust in you from now till the end, , we now ask that all our wasted years be restored and that all our labour be turned to Favour in Jesus Name.

Pastor E.O.T William CBT
De-Diadem consulting
BBM : 32DAA7F5
WhatsApp : +2348064822538

Sunday 24 November 2013

10 Commandments for all single ladies

10 Commandments For All The Single Ladies

Relationship Matters
1. Don’t be in a hurry to move out of your parent’s house.

2. Don’t wait for a man before you start living.You can live a fulfilled life as a single woman.

3. Stay away from alcohol. It has killed others and you are not special.

4. Don’t entertain wrong numbers calling you,especially late in the night. It’s not the right way to find a lover.

5. Develop a healthy eating habit. Always take breakfast and avoid sweets.

6. Dress well: impression counts. People will judge you by the way you dress even before they talk to you.

7. Don’t use sex as proof of love. Sex is not a proof for love; he’ll still leave you after all that sweet sex.

8. Don’t marry someone because of money;else you’ll become one of his possessions.

9. Add value to yourself, get a career. Don’t be fooled that a man will solve all your problems.

10. Respect yourself depending on your dressing code. This will also show what you,where you come from and many people out there will respect you because of your being descent.

Thursday 21 November 2013


Regaining the Plot 
Ever feel like you’ve “lost the plot”? You’re reading a novel and can’t quite figure out who is who, or you tuned out during a film and now it doesn’t seem to make sense anymore. Your life is busy, busy, yet sometimes you’re no longer sure who you are or where you’re headed.

Jonah lost the plot when he ran away from God. God had told him to go to Nineveh and deliver a warning; but Jonah didn’t fancy that, and instead he caught a boat headed in the opposite direction. It could have been a voyage into oblivion, as he ended up in the belly of a large fish, but when he turned back to God, God mercifully delivered him. Back on dry land, he regained the plot and went on to do what God had asked.1
Lord, help me stay on track no matter how difficult.
"You’re blessed when you stay on course, walking steadily on the road revealed by God."2

Sarah lost the plot when the angelic visitors to her husband Abraham predicted that she would have a child. She laughed about it, thinking that her advanced age was an impossible barrier.3 Still, she rose up to this challenge to her faith, and “she bore a child when she was past the age, because she judged Him faithful who had promised.”4 She regained the plot through faith.
Lord, help me to follow You by faith, even when I don’t understand exactly where You’re leading.
"Uphold my steps in Your paths, that my footsteps may not slip."5

Peter lost the plot when he denied Jesus and was confused and afraid for his own life.6 But all was not lost. A conversation over a breakfast meal prepared by the risen Savior changed Peter’s outlook on himself and his life.7 “Take care of My followers,” Jesus told him.—And that’s exactly what Peter did. He regained the plot, and the remainder of his life was meaningful and purposeful.
Lord, help me to sit quietly and listen to Your voice, so that I can find and follow the path You have for me.
"Cause me to hear Your lovingkindness in the morning, for in You do I trust; cause me to know the way in which I should walk, for I lift up my soul to You."8

1. See Jonah 1–2.
2. Psalm 119:1 MSG
3. See Genesis 18:1–15.
4. See Hebrews 11:11, Genesis 21:1–2.
5. Psalm 17:5
6. See Luke 22:54–62.
7. See John 21.
8. Psalm 143:8


Regaining the Plot 
Ever feel like you’ve “lost the plot”? You’re reading a novel and can’t quite figure out who is who, or you tuned out during a film and now it doesn’t seem to make sense anymore. Your life is busy, busy, yet sometimes you’re no longer sure who you are or where you’re headed.

Jonah lost the plot when he ran away from God. God had told him to go to Nineveh and deliver a warning; but Jonah didn’t fancy that, and instead he caught a boat headed in the opposite direction. It could have been a voyage into oblivion, as he ended up in the belly of a large fish, but when he turned back to God, God mercifully delivered him. Back on dry land, he regained the plot and went on to do what God had asked.1
Lord, help me stay on track no matter how difficult.
"You’re blessed when you stay on course, walking steadily on the road revealed by God."2

Sarah lost the plot when the angelic visitors to her husband Abraham predicted that she would have a child. She laughed about it, thinking that her advanced age was an impossible barrier.3 Still, she rose up to this challenge to her faith, and “she bore a child when she was past the age, because she judged Him faithful who had promised.”4 She regained the plot through faith.
Lord, help me to follow You by faith, even when I don’t understand exactly where You’re leading.
"Uphold my steps in Your paths, that my footsteps may not slip."5

Peter lost the plot when he denied Jesus and was confused and afraid for his own life.6 But all was not lost. A conversation over a breakfast meal prepared by the risen Savior changed Peter’s outlook on himself and his life.7 “Take care of My followers,” Jesus told him.—And that’s exactly what Peter did. He regained the plot, and the remainder of his life was meaningful and purposeful.
Lord, help me to sit quietly and listen to Your voice, so that I can find and follow the path You have for me.
"Cause me to hear Your lovingkindness in the morning, for in You do I trust; cause me to know the way in which I should walk, for I lift up my soul to You."8

1. See Jonah 1–2.
2. Psalm 119:1 MSG
3. See Genesis 18:1–15.
4. See Hebrews 11:11, Genesis 21:1–2.
5. Psalm 17:5
6. See Luke 22:54–62.
7. See John 21.
8. Psalm 143:8


Regaining the Plot 
Ever feel like you’ve “lost the plot”? You’re reading a novel and can’t quite figure out who is who, or you tuned out during a film and now it doesn’t seem to make sense anymore. Your life is busy, busy, yet sometimes you’re no longer sure who you are or where you’re headed.

Jonah lost the plot when he ran away from God. God had told him to go to Nineveh and deliver a warning; but Jonah didn’t fancy that, and instead he caught a boat headed in the opposite direction. It could have been a voyage into oblivion, as he ended up in the belly of a large fish, but when he turned back to God, God mercifully delivered him. Back on dry land, he regained the plot and went on to do what God had asked.1
Lord, help me stay on track no matter how difficult.
"You’re blessed when you stay on course, walking steadily on the road revealed by God."2

Sarah lost the plot when the angelic visitors to her husband Abraham predicted that she would have a child. She laughed about it, thinking that her advanced age was an impossible barrier.3 Still, she rose up to this challenge to her faith, and “she bore a child when she was past the age, because she judged Him faithful who had promised.”4 She regained the plot through faith.
Lord, help me to follow You by faith, even when I don’t understand exactly where You’re leading.
"Uphold my steps in Your paths, that my footsteps may not slip."5

Peter lost the plot when he denied Jesus and was confused and afraid for his own life.6 But all was not lost. A conversation over a breakfast meal prepared by the risen Savior changed Peter’s outlook on himself and his life.7 “Take care of My followers,” Jesus told him.—And that’s exactly what Peter did. He regained the plot, and the remainder of his life was meaningful and purposeful.
Lord, help me to sit quietly and listen to Your voice, so that I can find and follow the path You have for me.
"Cause me to hear Your lovingkindness in the morning, for in You do I trust; cause me to know the way in which I should walk, for I lift up my soul to You."8

1. See Jonah 1–2.
2. Psalm 119:1 MSG
3. See Genesis 18:1–15.
4. See Hebrews 11:11, Genesis 21:1–2.
5. Psalm 17:5
6. See Luke 22:54–62.
7. See John 21.
8. Psalm 143:8