Tuesday 26 November 2013



Daily Reflections
Pastor E.O.T William CBT
Tuesday 26th November


Ref: Prov 21: 31; Ecc 7 : 14 ; Jer 9 : 23 ; Amos 2: 14

It doesn’t matter how far or how high you’ve risen in life, you can’t sustain your exploits without God.
No God-made mad can self-Exist; we are all built and fashioned to depend solely on God. We need God everyday of our lives; not only in our distress times.
Any equation or arrangement that doesn’t begin and end in God is incomplete and bound to fail. It is God that brings productivity to our labour.
It doesn’t matter how wise, learned or educated, connected, influential or endowed you may be, you can’t survive life’s challenges without God.
Ecc 9: 11 …………I returned and saw under the sun , that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise , nor yet riches to men of understanding , nor yet favour to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all.
When you take away God from Man’s Life what you get is DOOM, the need for God goes far beyond just protection and provision for our needs. Remember it all started from Him at creation, so the sustenance of all men rests solely in Him alone.
Prov 21: 31 …… the horse is Prepared against the day of battle: but VICTORY is of the Lord.
King Saul crash landed his journey not because he never knew God; He did start with and in God but God’s place in His life became vacant, therefore His Fall was inevitable.
Ecc 7:14 ……..in the day of prosperity be joyful, but in the day of adversity consider; God also hath set the one over against the other , to the end that man should find NOTHING after him.
God has so built us excellently that even the wisest, strongest and richest of men always have a void in their lives that only God can fill. This simply means no man can out-grow the need for God.
How and where you started in life is not really as important as where and how you end it. Only God can guarantee a safe landing.
Only God can turn a man’s LABOUR to FAVOUR


Our Dear sovereign Lord, having examined your word we’ve found ourselves lacking in our duty to you, the chiefest of which is to Trust completely in You, we have been trying to run solo or walk alone , we acknowledge now that without You we are just an empty piece of matter, we therefore ask for the Grace to completely trust in you from now till the end, , we now ask that all our wasted years be restored and that all our labour be turned to Favour in Jesus Name.

Pastor E.O.T William CBT
De-Diadem consulting
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