Thursday 7 November 2013

The God kind of FAITH

The God-kind of FAITH

Faith is simply seeing the end result even before the start of the reaction.

It is counting on God's competence to deliver as Promised.

Faith in other words is trusting in God's Integrity. Remember ,The most important asset any man can have is INTEGRITY (Fidelity) so whatever God has said , believe that He has the power to do even more than He has promised (Eph 3 : 20 )

Living our life without Faith is like walking a dark and narrow path without Light .

You can start the journey but the end result is not feasible and not likely achievable cos they can't see beyond the start point.......tha
t's where FAITH comes in because faith is the spectacle that magnifies and redefines the focus of your goal thereby making you see the Success already from the start point.....That's why its impossible to please God without Faith cos You'll always limit Gods plans and promises to only what you can see.

If Your Faith is weak, You can start building it today...... Highlighted below are the Four steps to having the God-kind of Faith

1.The Word : Get close to the word of God, a good knowledge of the promises of God always brings the assurance and re-assurance when the devil comes with the 'can'ts' and 'don'ts'.....
A faint knowledge of His word always brings Fear when the day gets dark and the going gets tough.

2. Fellowship : develop a constant and growing Prayer-life ...... A prayerless christian is a powerless christian...Prayer gives us spiritual eyes to see things we can't see with the ordinary eyes.

3. Focus : there isn't such thing as deadly as an unfocused person. Nothing can work without Focus, the power of focus helps us to keep our eyes on the dream even in the face of contrary evidence and temptations....... Never lose your Focus . Have a clear cut goal: know exactly where you are going ........a philosopher once said : nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude and nothing on earth can stop the man with the right mental attitude ...

4. Testimony : nothing builds your faith more than sharing with someone else even while going through the storm yourself. Every time you help someone get up from the valley of life and you tell them of the greatness and truth of Gods power and promises, You develop the courage that keeps you moving and believing that He is more than able to do whatever he has said......

The God-kind of Faith is the faith that doesn't shiever or waver at the slightest trial, temptation or delays .....remember Gods delays are never denials and the fact that he hasn't fulfilled yet doesn't mean he Won't fulfill it, He might be waiting for you to Listen for the next instruction , Wait patiently or take the next step because sometimes when we are waiting for God to move , He might be telling us that the next step is ours....

Nothing is impossible for Him to do (Jer 32 : 19) He has lofty Promises in store for you , Keep Praying , keep Trusting and keep Telling of His Awesome might ......
He will fulfill everything he has said, Don't be discouraged and don't Give up.....................

Pastor E.O.T William CBT, HSR
De-diadem consulting
Corporate Training , personality and workforce development , counseling , life coaching , Relationship and marriage counseling , IT & Educational consultancy.......
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Stay Blessed!

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